This is useful only to determine if you are handling high numbers of reads or writes, in which case you may want to reorganize your disk and NFS sharing allocations. 这仅适用于确定您是否正在处理大量读写操作,在这种情况下,您可能希望重组您的磁盘和NFS共享分配。
Design and Implement of Argo Disk Database Sharing System Argo光盘数据库共享系统设计与实现
We implement layered caching mechanism ( global disk caching and memory caching) using dynamic sharing running memory buffer algorithm to support more stable and real-time parallel streams; 采用动态共享运行缓冲区算法实现了分层缓存机制(全局磁盘缓存和内存缓存)以支持更多稳定、实时的并发流;
This thesis mainly focuses on the opening computer laboratory, puts forward some management technology about network construction, user administration, hard disk data administration, resources querying and sharing in the computer laboratory. 本文围绕实现开放式计算机实验室管理问题提出了计算机实验室的网络建设、用户管理、硬盘数据管理、资源查询及共享、计费自动化等方面的管理技术。
A new approach, named Distributed Redundant Disk ( DRD) technology, to reliably sharing server-based storage systems in network environment is presented in this paper. 为解决网络环境下共享磁盘系统的可靠性问题,本文提出了分布式冗余磁盘技术(DRD)。
This paper analyzes that, how to use the multiple task characteristic of Windows 9x by examples, to simulate the net file sharing and net disk mapping, and use them to debug and test the database sharing examine. 本文通过实例分析如何利用Windows9X的多任务特性,用单机进行模拟网络文件共享与网络盘符的模拟,进行数据库共享与调试实验。
It emphasizes much on reading performance. Data placement scheme is the key point that affects the system performance and the corresponding scheduling policy. It can have large storage capacity, providing high efficient disk file sharing among different nodes and high performance for media service. 数据分布方式是影响存储系统的性能和相应调度策略的关键因素,因此,研究视频服务器存储系统中数据分布及其调度策略具有重要意义,本文围绕这些问题开展了&些有意义的研究工作。
The built models should be stored in the hard disk for future prediction, which will lead to the model storage and sharing problems. 建好化学计量学模型之后必须将模型保存在硬盘里供预测之用,这就会涉及到模型存储和共享方面的问题。
With the rapid increase of the Internet nodes in computing power, disk space and network bandwidth, Internet applications for file resources sharing has been developing rapidly. 随着互联网节点计算能力的迅速提高、磁盘空间的不断增长以及网络带宽的改善,面向互联网文件资源共享的应用得到了迅速发展。